For Administrators & Executives

As a healthcare administrator or executive... are sensitive to not only the quality of the healthcare delivered at your institution, but also to the overall model of this delivery. Factors such as provider quality, bedside manner, work ethic, and economics are just a few of the factors that play a vital role in your decision on a healthcare team. We at Metro Anesthesia Consultants will not disappoint. Our anesthesia providers are very carefully chosen to meld well with our company culture; one that emphasizes compassion, clinical excellence, and tireless work ethic.

Additionally, in today's rapidly shifting medical environment, we are prepared to adapt to changing economic conditions as medical costs rise and reimbursements diminish. This can be accomplished in a multitude of ways ranging from changing staffing strategy, to enhancing efficiencies within your surgery department. We are also placing great emphasis on quality measures and the tracking of this data as medicine moves closer to quality based reimbursement.

Of utmost importance is our company's collaborative model with its partner institutions. We have successfully increased surgical volumes and service lines at virtually all of our affiliated institutions, whether this be at a hospital or surgery center. Not only has this allowed us success as a company, but also it has strengthened our relationships by adding value to a specialty service that is often otherwise considered to be necessary but without contribution.

We are changing the image of an anesthesia team, and you have an opportunity to partner with a company that will partner with you. Please contact us if you would like to discuss our company and how we can help you with your anesthesia services and beyond.

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